Standlee Premium Western Forage

Standlee Premium Western Forage® Products are the Best in Quality

To show the benefit of feeding the highest quality forage or hay-based fiber source for your beloved equine and livestock partners, Standlee Premium Western Forage® commissioned two studies through the Purina Animal Nutrition Center facility near St. Louis, MO.

The studies focused on both the metabolic response and visual quality indicators of the Alfalfa and Timothy Grass hay varieties. In this blog, we will be focusing on the visual indicators of quality for our collective education and knowledge.

To set the stage, Purina published the “Six Signs of Good Quality Hay.” In summary, the following key visual indicators help horse and livestock owners select the best quality forage for their animals:

  1. High Leaf-to-Stem Ratio
  2. Small Diameter Stems
  3. Few Seed Heads or Blooms
  4. Fresh Smell and Appearance
  5. Cleanliness
  6. Hay Color

Research Overview

To evaluate the visual quality indicators, Standlee provided Alfalfa and Timothy Grass forage bales grown on their farms in Idaho and Purina Animal Nutrition procured locally grown Midwest hay. Both sources were of typical quality grown by Standlee and found in-market in Missouri. Purina surveyed Purina personnel and external visitors to their research facility specifically on the latter 3 attributes above, fresh smell and appearance, cleanliness and color.

Visual Quality Results Recap

Standlee Premium Western Forage Premium Alfalfa and Timothy Grass consistently scored higher by consumers in all subjective measures (appearance, smell, moisture content, cleanliness, etc.)

Consumers surveyed believe based on appearance that Standlee Premium Western Forage are superior in quality and nutritional value based on the visual indicators versus local Midwest hay.

To see the full published study, please go to (Link to studies on-site; see references below).

For nearly 40 years, Standlee farms have carefully managed and cultivated our forage to grow the highest quality crop found in our Standlee Premium Western Forage bagged and baled products. Discover the Standlee Difference to learn more about our processes in the field and at our plant, that help create our premium products.

Scientific References:

Perron, B.S. & Jacobs, Robert & Jerina, M.L. & Gordon, M.E. & Duren, S.. (2019). Comparative assessment of intake and consumer preference of Standlee Premium Western Forage Alfalfa hay versus a locally sourced alfalfa hay using objective attributes. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 76. 96-97. 10.1016/j.jevs.2019.03.136.

Perron, B.S. & Jacobs, Robert & Splan, Rebecca & Jerina, M.L. & Gordon, M.E. & Duren, S.. (2019). Glucose and insulin response to feeding Standlee Premium Western Forage Alfalfa hay versus a locally sourced alfalfa hay. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 76. 89. 10.1016/j.jevs.2019.03.119.

Stewart, R.L. & Jacobs, Robert & Jerina, M.L. & Duren, S. & Gordon, M.E.. (2017). A comparative assessment of Standlee Premium Western Forage Timothy Hay versus “standard” locally sourced hay based on consumer perspective. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 52. 98. 10.1016/j.jevs.2017.03.146.

Stewart, R.L. & Jacobs, Robert & Jerina, M.L. & Duren, S. & Gordon, M.E.. (2017). A comparative assessment of Standlee Premium Western Forage Timothy Hay versus locally sourced grass hay using nutrient composition, glucose and insulin response, and palatability. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 52. 77. 10.1016/j.jevs.2017.03.097.